Look, we know it’s not even something you want to think about until you’ve stuffed yourself silly with Quality Street and festive feasts, but the sad news is… the longer you ignore your January exams, the worse they’ll be.

So let’s tackle them head-on.

Calm down, it’s not that bad, we’ve got a step-by-step guide helping you get ready for your January exams so that you can still enjoy the winter break and feel confident when you enter the exam hall.

Step 1 – Study plan

If you haven’t already got a study plan in place, you need to get one!

Having a plan will help you to organise and prioritise your time, in addition to laying out what subjects you need to be working on. Here’s a link to a timetable template we have created for you. Note, we have scheduled some you time. Do with it what you will, just be sure to take some time for you to do you. Be it a quick game of Just Dance with your little besties or walk for one because your family are a little too much. (We know, we’ve been there).

P.S, We haven’t included weekends because it’ll be Christmas and New Years’ weekends whilst you’re on your winter break. You can dedicate those days to studying if you wish, but we won’t tell if you don’t.

Step 2 – For the love of potatoes, do NOT procrastinate!

We said it!

Procrastination is DANGEROUS!

It’s one of the most common problems amongst students today and it’s also the common cause of either poor results or exam performance, therefore, if you want to do well, follow these three simple rules to avoid procrastination.

  1. Use the study plan and stick to it
  2. Hide your phone somewhere / log out of all social media
  3. Try to follow a study technique which will give your studying some structure. (Don’t worry, we’re going to share some below.)

Step 3 – Try study techniques

Having good study skills is incredibly important to the trajectory of your success as it carries multiple benefits that in addition to increasing your knowledge, can also boost your confidence, competence, and self-esteem.

Furthermore, having good study skills and practising your knowledge using study techniques can reduce the number of hours you’ll spend studying – leaving more time for other things and people in your life.

One of the study techniques we would recommend is the Feynman Technique. It’s an easy and efficient method of learning a concept quickly by explaining it in plain and simple terms. This is super handy if you haven’t left yourself enough time or you’re feeling stressed about the time you’ve allocated to revise everything. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Write the subject/concept you are studying at the top of a sheet of paper.
  2. Explain it in your own words as if you were teaching someone else.
  3. Review what you wrote and identify any areas where you were wrong. Once you have identified them, go back to your notes or reading material and figure out the correct answer.
  4. If there are any areas in your writing where you used technical terms or complex language, go back and rewrite these sections in simpler terms for someone who doesn’t have the educational background you have.

Step 4 – SLEEP!

This one is simple – after a day full of studying, it’s important to get a good night’s sleep!

Getting between 7- and 8 hours’ sleep not only helps you to feel refreshed, but it will also help you to manage stress and keep you fit and healthy.

Saving the best for last, step 5 is super easy.

Step 5 – Sign into Kortext!

Sign into Kortext to access your core texts, essential reading and wider reading material.

You can make notes, export references and even access Student Minds’ Student Space should you study too hard.

What are you waiting for?

Smashing your January exams won’t happen on its own!