Are you a fan of eBooks? Or perhaps print books hold a special place in your heart? We understand, but eBooks are revolutionising the way students learn.

Read an eBook Day is the perfect occasion to embrace the wonders of digital reading. Let’s explore how eBooks can help you to study smarter!


There’s no need to make a trip to your university library, or wait for a book you ordered online to be delivered, when you can access and start reading an eBook within minutes.

No more lugging around a bag full of heavy print textbooks – with a tablet or smartphone, you can carry an entire library of books in your pocket.

eBooks give you access to your study materials whenever and wherever you need them, making learning on the go a breeze.

If you commute to university by public transport, why not use the journey to catch up on your reading?

No internet connection? No problem! Kortext’s mobile app reader (available in iOS, Android, Windows or Mac formats), enables you to access and download eBooks offline without worrying about your data allowance. You can even sync content between your devices.

Space saving

eBooks don’t take up physical space, making them the perfect solution for those with limited room for bookshelves.

If you’re living in student accommodation, or you don’t have a dedicated study space at home, you might be restricted as to how many print books you can store. eBooks allow you to expand your home library, opening up an infinite world of knowledge!

If you like to be organised, they can also promote a clutter-free study environment, helping you stay focused.

Cost effective

We know that the cost of living is a real issue for students these days, with many struggling to make ends meet.

Textbooks can be very expensive – you might need a book for only one module or only one year of your course, plus print books can go out of date quickly.

eBooks offer a cost-effective alternative. You might be able to access all your course books online for free through your university library. To find out, check your reading lists, search your library catalogue, or ask a librarian at your university for help.

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Have you ever struggled to do all your course reading using print books?

eBooks can be personalised, allowing you to adjust the text size, font style, and background colour to suit your preferences.

Some offer a read aloud feature too. This is great if you learn best by listening, or you just want to switch up the way you study.


eBooks make it easy to search for specific words or phrases, helping you find information quickly.

There’s no need to spend time flipping through the pages in a print book to find the right section, when you can search an eBook and locate the relevant content instantly. Efficient? We think so!


Do you like to add notes to a book while you’re studying to help you remember key points? Studies have shown that active note taking is an effective way to retain information.

It’s simple to record your thoughts with the study tools enabled in Kortext’s eBooks (through our smart study platform). You can highlight text, bookmark pages, and add notes. You can even share your notes with other students, helping you learn from each other and collaborate with ease on group projects, even when you’re not able to meet in person.


Did you know that many eBooks incorporate videos and quizzes?

Some of Kortext’s eBooks include interactive quizzes, with real-time answers, to check your understanding.

These features can improve your learning experience by providing a more engaging way for you to absorb information – they can even make complex ideas easier to grasp and remember.

Final thoughts

On Read an eBook Day, why not explore all the benefits that eBooks have to offer? Check out your online university library by logging in to your Kortext account.